Friday, 25 September 2009

photo basics

SLR camera
single, lense, reflex

Aperture F stops 2.4 Shutter speed of the shutter
22 Slow = More Light
Fast = Less light
1second 1/100 second 1/25 second
DOF = depth of field
lower the number smaller depth of field smaller the DOF larger whole in camera

Thursday, 24 September 2009

  1. The title of the work, The snail
    Name of the artist, Henri Matisse
    and a short description of the art work stating what you liked about it. it wasnt paint like all the other pictures and i liked it because it caught my eye when i walked in to the room cause its quite bright, and i like it aswell because its different to all the other painting because there all paint and like black and white and grey and this one was paper but red, blues yellows.
    Then try and find an image of it.

The second post will be about the work you disliked. use the same detail as above,
Title of work, Don't Worry You Will Be in Disguise.
Name of artist,Gillian Wearing

and why you disliked the work. It just looked really odd and i didnt really like the look of it

Again find an image of the work.

Friday, 18 September 2009

My Introduction to photography

i mainly take pictures on my phone or on a digital camera i take pictures of myself or if i go out with my friends i have been with or if i go out somewhere and take a picture because i would like to remember the day. :)